Impact of government subsidies on total factor productivity of …

Based on panel data of Chinese 101 energy storage enterprises from 2007 to 2022, this paper examines the effectiveness of government subsidies in the energy …

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How can cash transfers support energy subsidy reforms?

In our recent report, Cash Transfers in the Context of Energy Subsidy Reform: Insights from Recent Experience, we reviewed recent approaches to using cash …

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New energy storage technologies hold key to renewable …

The Long Duration Energy Storage Council, launched last year at COP26, reckons that, by 2040, LDES capacity needs to increase to between eight and 15 …

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Building support for energy subsidy reform: what will it take?

A new study by the World Bank suggests that public support for energy subsidy reform could be significantly increased by packaging it with compensatory …

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თბილისი ენერჯი

A private company damaged the gas pipeline of Tbilisi Energy. 9,100 subscribers have been disconnected 07 February 2024 Due to emergency works on the gas pipeline, gas supply to 17,000 subscribers will be …

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EBRD and E5P fund to finance landfill gas-to-energy facility in Tbilisi

Thanks to this financing, the city of Tbilisi will be able to refurbish existing cells at the Didi Lilo landfill and install a landfill gas collection, flaring and utilisation …

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""。. EPC ...

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Electricity, Water Rates Hike, Gov''t to Roll Out Subsidies

The Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) has approved the increase of both consumer and commercial electricity tariffs for customers …

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What have we learned from real-world experiences with energy …

Energy subsidies often have significant negative impacts, making their reform a central topic at the nexus of energy, climate, and macro-fiscal reform agendas …

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თბილისი ენერჯი

თბილისი ენერჯი - Tbilisi Energy

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